PSG - Business continuity Plan
Dear Valued Customer,
I am writing to you to keep you informed of our policies and practices surrounding the current COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
As the situation rapidly changes across the globe, we at Premier Services Group are constantly monitoring official advice and directives from all levels of Government along with health authorities to meet the needs of our staff, our customers and the community at large.
We have put many measures in place in order to limit our exposure and minimise the chance of spreading the virus which include but are not limited to:
Office Staff
• Splitting our national offices into rostered teams to reduce contact within our offices
• 3 daily cleans of all common surfaces within the office area
• Not having couriers enter the premises, maintaining a contactless system of deliveries
• Giving all staff remote access to their work to ensure we can continue to assist throughout all the facets of our business in as seamless a manner as possible when working from home or for any self-isolation needs that may arise
• Having any necessary meetings via phone and internet conferencing
• Cancelling all non-essential trips, team meetings, toolbox talks and on-site meetings
• Drawing on our additional technicians (currently working in other divisions), where needed to maintain our current levels of service
Field Staff
• Ensuring all our field staff are equipped with sanitiser, gloves for testing equipment and training in all aspects of hygiene as recommended by health authorities
• Before entering your property, the technician will sanitize his/her hands.
• Any tools they carry have been either wiped clean or sprayed with disinfectant wipes/aerosol.
• He/she will purposely try to avoid and not interact with your personnel whilst onsite, but if required to for good reason, he/she will keep the required distance and keep all in-person communications to an absolute minimum.
• The technician will use disinfectant wipes to wipe down equipment that was touched before leaving the property; E.g. Fire Panel boards, nobs, switches, and the like.
• As a measure, we will not be chasing a signature for the service record to minimise personal contact.
Our top priority at this time is the safety of our staff, our customers and all of their families.
If you need any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards
Richard Stalley
Manager – Premier Services Group